10 star point max? 10?! 10?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??
Okay, I have to say that, being in a rock band, played all the Guitar Pro songs on the hardest ( on each game... and succeeding ), and played this, you did a DAMN awesome job.
Sure, there were a couple glitches here and there, but nothing too drastic to alter gameplay. I tried training wheels and got the hang of it on the first level, just to check it out. Then I 0wned at original, only using that lightning skill... I can't remember that name ><, only twice. I don't even know any cheats, xD. Besides, it would have ruined gameplay.
The glitches were hard to notice at first. The first one I noticed, wasn't a glitch at all, so it wasn't your fault. But I would suggest setting the default buttons for the lightning thing and the transfer of sessions to the lightning thing off TAB and ALT, and instead, somewhere easier to reach, and more handy, such as... oh lets say, A for transfer, S for using the lightning skill.
Overall, I really loved the game. I don't care how it was a ripoff. The point is, you made this tricked out.
I'd give you a 15, but Tom didn't make it that high. Makes sense to other flashes except this one. >.>
Peace out and rock on,